[ultimate_fancytext fancytext_prefix="Market Leaders in " fancytext_align="left" strings_textspeed="35" strings_backspeed="0" strings_backdelay="4000" fancytext_tag="h2" strings_line_height="desktop:46px;" fancytext_strings=" Order Fulfilment. Promotional Fulfilment. Stock Management." strings_font_family="font_family:Open Sans|font_call:Open+Sans|variant:300" strings_font_style="font-weight:300;" ex_class="short"]

RMI can process any type of order and have fulfilled anything from plastic ears, through to key rings, T-Shirts, bicycle bags, games consoles and large flat-screen TV‘s. You would be hard pressed to think of a non-perishable item we haven‘t handled.

RMI can handle all types of order channels, including SMS, Web, telephone, postal or fax and can process credit card payments, BACS and PayPal transactions on our clients‘ behalf.

During the year RMI processes millions of applications from consumers, providing all the services from data capture through to despatching merchandise.

Whatever a client‘s fulfilment requirements may be, RMI has invested heavily in the technology and personnel to offer individual tailored solutions guaranteed to achieve the desired results.

We can handle many different types of promotion via any entry channel such as SMS, web, telephone postal or fax, including:

•  Free gift promotions •  Self-liquidating premiums •  Instant wins •  Free prize draws •  Competitions •  Cash backs and try me frees •  Point-of-sale kit collation •  Taste guarantees

One of the most important factors in today‘s constantly evolving fulfilment industry is having the facilities, systems and staff capable of meeting a client‘s requirements.

Investing heavily in all these areas has enabled us to send any items to any destination as soon as a client says so. It‘s not uncommon for us to have been despatching within minutes of receiving the address data.

With a warehouse of over 30,000 square feet, RMI has a large storage capacity, all protected by modern sophisticated alarm systems and video surveillance.

The company implements a policy of rigid stock control, which includes a physical stock check each month and the continuous monitoring of all re-order levels.